NovaLoca. The experts in commercial property search.

The listing service with thousands of commercial properties for sale or to let across the UK.

Whether you intend to buy or rent commercial property, search our extensive database to find land, office space, industrial units, retail or leisure premises.

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NovaLoca working with Council’s, Inward Investment Teams & Business Improvement Districts (BID’s)

June 25, 2024  in Uncategorized

NovaLoca operates a UK wide search engine of available commercial property. Established for over 15 years, NovaLoca advertises property from over 350 companies (and over 12,000 individual agents) with the majority linking in with their own websites & sending their property data to us electronically. We are already working with a number of Councils and their Inward Investment teams who can take advantage of our data in several ways, to promote Council owned property and to support local business.... (Read more)

Looking for commercial property in North West London?

June 12, 2024  in Business Owners & Property Buyers

Are you looking for commercial property to rent or buy in North West London? You have come to the right place… To help you with your search we have put together some links to popular searches and commercial agents who are listing properties in the area. North West London covers the following areas: Barnet, Brent, Camden, Camden Town, Colindale, Cricklewood, Golders Green, Hampstead Heath, Harlesden, Hendon, Kensal Rise, Kentish Town, Kilburn, Mill Hill, Park Royal, Primrose Hill, St Johns... (Read more)

Looking for Commercial Property by Auction?

June 12, 2024  in Business Owners & Property Buyers

NovaLoca have a great selection of properties that are for sale by Auction. Auction properties are listed by the following specialist companies: Online Property Auctions Scotland BidX1 Future Property Auctions Prime Property Auctions But we also have auctions from other agents such as: Bowman Rebecchi Central Commercial Property (Glasgow) Rory Mack Associates Shepherd Commercial If you have an auction property you would like to advertise on NovaLoca register now or email

The... (Read more)