Property Class C examples

The different commercial property types in the UK: C Class

In part three of our guide to the different commercial property categories we take a look at the C Class. There’s famous examples of historical and iconic commercial types that fall into each category. Blog posts covering Class A can be found here, Class B here and Class D here. Although from 1st September 2020 a new use Class E ‘Commercial, Business and Service’ will be introduced it does not affect properties in Class C.

C1 – Hotels

This class includes Hotels, Boarding and Guest Houses where no significant element of care is provided (it excludes hostels).

Hard Days Night Hotel, Liverpool.

yellow submarine

The hotel is a ‘Grade II’ listed building which was built in 1884 and was previously home to merchant businesses when Liverpool was one of the world’s major seaports. Now it is the only Beatles inspired hotel in the world with celebrities such as Robert Downey Jr staying amongst the memorabilia. 

Did you know the hotel opened in 2008 as part of Liverpool’s year as the European Capital of Culture.


C2 – Residential Institutions 

Residential care homes, Hospitals, Nursing homes, Boarding schools, Residential colleges and Training centres

Great Ormond Street, London

Great Ormond Street Hospital

The Hospital for Sick Children, as it was originally known, began in 1852.  It was the first hospital in England to provide beds just  for children. It became part of the NHS in 1948 and is the largest centre for child heart surgery in the UK as well as one of the largest centres for heart transplantation in the world.

Did you know In 1929 J. M. Barrie donated the copyright to Peter Pan to the hospital.


C3 – Dwelling Houses

Dwellings, Small businesses at home, Communal housing of elderly and handicapped

Garage, Los Angeles

Grey garage

It started with a mouse. Possibly literally in this case because The Walt Disney company began with Walt and his brother making short films in their uncle’s garage in Los Angeles in 1923.

Did you know Mickey Mouse was the first cartoon character to ever speak?


You can find all these property types on NovaLoca’s website in all areas of the UK.