Drivers Jonas Deloitte, Jones Lang LaSalle to lead Manchester’s Airport City masterplan

One of the government’s new Enterprise Zones has moved a step nearer on the road to completion with the appointment of Drivers Jonas Deloitte and Jones Lang LaSalle to lead the planning and delivery of the masterplan for the Airport City project in Manchester.

JLL says Manchester airport “can do so much more than perform its aeronautical function”. Bob Dyson, chairman of Jones Lang LaSalle North West, says the airport “can evolve into an integrated business district in its own right providing a comprehensive range of commercial facilities, services and revenue streams. This evolution utilises surrounding undeveloped land and harnesses real estate opportunities in order to create a business, tourist, and leisure ‘destination’.”

Manchester Airports Group’s property arm MAG Developments appointed the firms last week and the scheme is due on site in 2012. The development is expected to take place in stages over a 10-15 year period, MAG Developments says.

Occupiers that are expected to seek properties at Airport City include logistics, freight forwarders, advanced manufacturers, those seeking high-quality office accommodation, research and development, health-related uses to build on the proximity to Wythenshawe Hospital as a centre of excellence, plus visitor accommodation, hotels and leisure uses to support the delivery of Airport City.

“The Enterprise Zones are expected to benefit from a business rate discount worth up to £275,000 per eligible business over a five-year period, while all business rate growth within the zone for a period of at least 25 years will be shared and retained by the local area, to ensure that Enterprise Zone growth is reinvested in Greater Manchester,” JLL added.