brown christmas parcel

A Short Guide to Seasonal Social Media Marketing for those short on time

Good and timely planning for a social media campaign is the best practice. And yes, if left to the last minute things can lead to disaster, especially if you want to be promoting seasonal products but… for those companies who may not have a dedicated social media / marketing executive or just want to increase brand awareness there are still things that can be done for the holiday season. Quick, easy, fun posts that are enjoyable to create and hopefully your audience will enjoy too. After all, seasonal marketing is about creating an emotional connection with your customers.

Christmas is a good time to shout about any causes you support and to also thank your customers for their support. Just keep it authentic. 

Why not upload some seasonal workplace photos? Behind the scenes posts are very popular as again they appear authentic and human. 

You don’t have to create everything from scratch. Do you have anything you can repurpose from previous years? Don’t forget to take a look at stock photos and vectors.  To help you choose images that are on change make sure to take a look at 2021 visual trends. Authenticity, empathy, wellness and nature are amongst the most popular. 

Short videos are hot stuff because they suit shorter attention spans. Reels on Instagram are particularly popular. Take a look at our guide to getting the most from your Instagram videos. How about making a short live video of your products? 

You could keep it as simple as adding seasonal colours to any posts you make, which could be a simple quote. Or you can come up with your own seasonal hashtag The important thing is to be visible so if nothing else you are increasing brand awareness