Lack of stock is holding back industrial and logistics market – Lambert Smith Hampton

Take-up in the UK industrial and logistics market fell 25% year-on-year in 2012 to a total of 76.1m sq ft, says Lambert Smith Hampton – the lowest level in nearly a decade.

According to Lambert Smith Hampton’s recently released Industrial and Logistics Market 2013 report, the lack of Grade A stock is holding back the market. Around 30% of overall demand last year was focused on Grade A property, but only 10% of the stock now available on the market is in this category.

“Occupiers of small and medium sized units are struggling to find any suitable space to accommodate their future plans,” said Steve Williams, head of industrial and logistics. “In the larger size ranges this is less of an issue as these more sophisticated occupiers are prepared to enter a build-to-suit project; however, for the smaller occupier this simply is not an option that is palatable or deliverable.”

The sharpest decline in activity last year was in the mid-range market, where transactions range from 10,001 sq ft to 50,000 sq ft. Take-up here was 50% lower than in 2011 – while this is partly due to the lack of stock, Lambert Smith Hampton also notes that this market segment is heavily populated by SME occupiers, whose performance is greatly affected by the ups and downs of the economy.

Transactions of 50,000 sq ft – 99,999 sq ft did see an upturn in activity last year, with take-up rising 12.2% year-on-year. Steve Williams points out that a large part of the demand in this market segment is being driven by the growing internet retail market, which has increased the traditional occupier basis in this area of the market.

Availability in the distribution warehouse market fell to just 75.0m sq ft – the lowest since 2007. Current availability of Grade A distribution warehouse stock is just over seven months’ supply, the firm notes.

Lambert Smith Hampton expects to see rising prime rental values this year, where new schemes emerge. Steve Williams says that secondary rents are likely to register growth in locations where there is demand combined with acute supply shortages – such as Greater London, the South East, the North West and the West Midlands. Speculative development could also return in such areas, for the large-scale and the small and medium size markets, and also in the newly evolving mid-box sector, he adds.