Make the most out of your property listings by keeping them up-to-date

We send monthly ‘Update Your Properties’ emails to our clients who update their properties manually. In order to get the most out of your property listings, it is important to use these emails to remind you to keep them up-to-date.

Our listings show a ‘last updated’ date, so the more recent the date is, the better response your listings will get. If the last updated date is a long time ago, people searching for property may assume that the property is no longer available and not enquire about it.

Make sure to update your listing if the property status changes, or let us know if a property is no longer available so we can remove it. You will continue to receive enquiries if your listing states that the property is available.

You may be advertising multiple different suites/units within the same listing. Make sure to update your listing when each part is let/sold so that people viewing the listing know which parts of the property are available.

Update your property listings if the price of the property changes. If the price of the property listed on NovaLoca is different to the price stated on your website (or elsewhere), your listing will appear out of date and may not receive as many enquiries as it could.

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