NovaLoca Latest Disposals Report 2019
Never mind who is top of the music charts this Christmas have a look at who is number one in the latest NovaLoca disposals report. Close to 20,000 listings were analysed in the period 1st October to 3rd December 2019. Details and exact dates of deals were not collected but those no longer registered as available or under offer at the end of the period were counted as ‘disposed of’.
Disposals by property type
Sorting the disposals by property type shows Leisure & Other properties closely followed by Retail disposing of the highest percentage of properties during the period; Office lags furthest behind with the lowest percentage of properties listed as available at the beginning of October, no longer listed by the end of December.
On average for every 4 properties removed almost 5 new properties were added within the period analysed. New instructions were especially high in Industrial and Retail. The Office market seems the most static with only 8.5% new instructions (relative to the initial number listed) and 7.5% disposed of.
The Top 5 Companies with the highest number of disposals
Topping the chart with the most disposals within the period is JLL accounting for 9% of all recorded disposals with Shepherd Commercial coming in at number 2 with 6.5%, Graham + Sibbald in the third spot with 6% and Avison Young at 5% and DM Hall at 4% completing the top five.
The Top 5 Companies disposing of the highest percentage of their portfolio
We looked at companies with an initial portfolio of at least 25 properties. The top 5 companies disposing of the highest percentage of their own portfolios are: Rannoch Property in first place, disposing of 46% of their own portfolio, in second place with 43% is Eggerdon and Holland, with 43%, third place goes to Pearson Ferrier with 42%, fourth to Mulraney Group at 41.5% and fifth Davies & Co with 39%. In contrast to the average across all companies, 8 of the top 10 companies did not replace all disposals by the end of the period.
For a chance to feature in the next NovaLoca disposals report make sure you are listing on our website. Contact chris@novaloca.com if you would like subscription details.
We are always happy to listen to your suggestions so let us know if there is any other data you would like us to look at.