NovaLoca at the Property Awards 2011

Another great Property Awards – last night’s event at the Grosvenor Hotel was very entertaining! NovaLoca was of course tpropertyawardshere to join in the fun. Michael McIntyre made everyone laugh and his comments about the improvement in mood since 2009 – did he really say the awards two years ago had involved KFC and some attendees throwing themselves from the balcony in despair? – perhaps indicate, as clearly as any research from our learned property consultancy friends, that the worst may now be over. Or at least that it’s not as bad as it once was…

NovaLoca was sponsoring the pre-dinner drinks, and these seemed to go very quickly (!) before everyone was ushered into the Great Room (left) from a multitude of suites at the hotel and from the main ballroom. (Image: Oliver Knight)

Miranda Munn, MD and founder of NovaLoca, says she had a great view of the entertainment right at the front, with wonderful company during the awards, sitting next to Carla Matthews of Cluttons & Kevin Marriott of GVA Grimley on a table hosted by Property Week.

Miranda was also there to present the award for Office Agency Team of the year. officeagencyoftheyearHaving thoroughly enjoyed her X-Factor-style entrance to make the presentation, appearing from behind a parted backdrop and walking down a flight of steps, she presented the award to this year’s winners, Jones Lang LaSalle, and all without needing a “Sarkozy Box” to see over the podium…

Here’s Miranda with Michael McIntyre and Jones Lang LaSalle’s Neil Prime, receiving the award for Office Agency Team of the year. (Image: Oliver Knight)

As we have previously noted, the awards wouldn’t have been complete without the usual NovaLoca party – this year, attendees could pick up a ticket at the pre-dinner drinks entitling them to enjoy a complementary Champagne Experience in NovaLoca’s sponsored stretched Hummers, with these extraordinary vehicles leaving from outside the Great Room every 15 minutes from 11pm onwards.


Astonishingly (ahem) Miranda says that a further top-up of Champagne might not have been the best idea for all concerned – but very few refused! And to the guest who SAT on an entire case of Champagne glasses – you know who you are, but by a miracle none of them broke! We hope our readers who attended the Property Awards had a great evening – we look forward to meeting you again next year!