Legal offices move to open-plan layouts

The shape of legal offices is changing, says new research from CB Richard Ellis. The group says paper-heavy, single-cell offices are giving way to open-plan properties and flexible working initiatives in the UK legal sector.

The “Changing Occupation Strategies in the Legal Sector” report says an increasing number of legal firms are changing the layout of their office space. “Outdated, hierarchical and highly cellular office spaces are being replaced by a modern, open-plan business operation, approach and working environment,” it notes, as lawyers spend less time at their “dedicated workspace” and more time elsewhere.

Nick Axford, head of EMEA research, CBRE, said: “Legal firms make up a sizeable proportion of the occupier base in many markets and submarkets, and much of the older stock they currently occupy is unsuited to modern, open-plan layouts. Owners could be forced to undertake substantial refurbishment or redevelopment if they want to continue to attract the leading members of this important professional services sector.”