Got Ash? Be flexible

By now, you have probably heard quite enough about the Eyjafjallajökull volcano and the havoc wreaked on European air travel by its attendant ash-cloud, but that hasn’t stopped CB Richard Ellis from providing its thoughts on the matter.

“Flexible working strategies and infrastructure could help to maintain companies’ productivity and potentially save millions of pounds,” the group says.

Ben Munn, Head of EMEA Workplace Strategy, CB Richard Ellis, says: “Our experience has shown that a properly planned and integrated workplace strategy can motivate staff, better utilise space to reduce real estate requirements, and – most importantly this week – allow staff to remain productive outside the physical office environment.”

“With the right infrastructure, employees could use virtual conference call and meetings systems, and work from local offices, hotels, cafes, airports and business lounges while their travel plans come together,” he adds.

So there you are – if you are one of the thousands stranded overseas, take a look around you and see if you recognise anyone from the office. They may look slightly different in beach attire or a seriously rumpled suit, but why let a little volcano stop you from working?