More from the conference circuit

The Public Property Summit, run by and Property Week, continues in London, with speakers today debating how public and private sector relationships can best be forged and how to overcome the obstacles to working together successfully.

Yesterday afternoon, speakers on the retail panel discussed what the public sector needed to do to attract development. It was felt that in some cases there was a gap between public-sector expectations and what the private sector could actually deliver.

Martyn Chase, director at DTZ and Stanhope, noted that the government’s plan for local enterprise partnership gives more power for local authorities to lead regeneration and retail development, but added that local authorities needed to take the lead.

If you are coming to the summit do come and say hello to NovaLoca at stand C9!

Meanwhile in Manchester the BCSC conference is also in full swing with around 2,500 delegates attending until Wednesday afternoon. Speakers are debating issues such as sustainability, the challenges of online retailing, and whether retail occupiers and owners really are friends or foes.