New editorial focus for NovaLoca’s blog

We’re changing the focus for NovaLoca’s blog and thought it would be helpful to explain how and why…

For some time now, we have been blogging regularly about commercial property deals and sharing news from commercial property agents across the UK.  Whilst we have been pleased to support agents in this way, going forward, we are keen to focus more on the needs of business owners.

In future, our posts will cover a wider range of topics, trends and news of relevance to businesses.  All posts will be linked in some way to commercial property but in a broader context.  Finding the right business premises is an issue for almost all businesses at some point in their life cycle.  It needs careful consideration, research and costing and it links with many other issues that go beyond buying and letting the right property, for example business planning, HR and recruitment.

We will continue to cover industry news and may reference specific deals and include the views of agents from time to time but we will also draw on our own data, collated from 7 years of listing properties and responding to registered enquiries.

The majority of posts will continue to be written by NovaLoca’s in-house team but we are keen to include guest posts.  Please get in touch if you’d like to discuss a future post.  And watch this space to see how the new blog unfolds, starting next week!