Lightning strikes The Shard! Is your business protected from the elements?
During Thursday’s flash of bad weather that swept across the UK, there was one image that truly captured the imagination. A bolt of lightning that struck The Shard in London, Europe’s tallest skyscraper. However, the 87 storey building was not plunged into darkness from the electrifying strike, due to its lightning protection system.
When it comes to weather, in the UK we are subject to the whole spectrum. This means businesses around the country face a number of weather related issues. We’re looking at some of the adverse effects of the weather and possible ways they can be prevented.
Effects on businesses: Power cuts can cause a costly loss of working hours, with unpredictability over when power could return.
Possible prevention: Prepare for the worst with back-up power and consider if working away from computers is possible during outage.
Effects on businesses: Roof tiling damage and minor structural damage. Travel disruption on the roads and trains, from fallen trees and damaged bridges.
Possible prevention: Ensure regular building and roof inspections to make your property more resilient. Keep cars in safe locations and check travel routes for disruptions
Effects on businesses: Depending on the location can cause contents and building damage. Costly to repair and takes time for businesses to recover. Possible damage to external storage locations.
Possible prevention: Enquire whether flooding is a danger in your area. Keep updated with weather reports and install flood-proofing if required. Pre-plan removal of contents if necessary.
You can find advice, alerts and area information here.
Effects on businesses: Travel delays on the roads and trains. Loss of business due to customers and clients staying at home.
Possible prevention: Make alternative plans if staff cannot attend. Consider if any work can be done from home.
You can find advice on severe weather from the Met Office here.
While it’s difficult to go completely unaffected by temperamental weather, there are ways of limiting the damage it can cause your business. With any luck, now that Thursday’s storm is behind us, we’ll have a British summer without any disruption.
[…] 10) The Shard, London, United Kingdom […]