The pros and cons of co-working

Coworking is an up and coming phenomenon in the UK, which involves hiring desk space and working alongside other professional individuals. But is it right for you? We’ve listed some of the pros and cons of the office sharing service.


Networking – Coworking gives you the opportunity to get together with like minded individuals and meet people that you otherwise wouldn’t if you were working from home. Meeting new contacts can be valuable for the future and could open new avenues for your business.

Creativity and collaboration – When working alone, it is common to find yourself stuck for ideas, but with coworking, there is the opportunity to ask others for advices and combine thoughts. You may even decide to collaborate on projects that you would not have opportunity to work on before.

Professional Setting – At times it can be a struggle to focus when working from home, but coworking is a useful solution that issue. The process of going to an office setting, with other professionals, can increase motivation and remove the distractions of working from home.

Reduced Stress – Had a bad day at the office? At least you have going home to look forward to. If you are working from home however, this isn’t an option. With coworking you can leave your work behind at the end of the day and retreat home to recover from any work stress.

Affordability – Small businesses may utilise coworking as a cheaper of way of office working, without having to rent an office of their own. It could also provide a potential stop-gap for businesses looking to move into their own office in the future.


Distractions – Working from home can be distracting, but others may find coworking just as distracting. The company of others or noise of the office could hinder work and you could find yourself more distracted than you were at home.

Privacy – If you frequently need to make calls or require small meetings, then coworking may not be for you. What’s more, if you are working on an important project, it may not be something you want to share with so many other individuals.

Style of work – Some people just may not suit the environment that coworking offers. If you are self-motivated and like the comfort and quiet that working at home offers, then you may not find it beneficial to be surrounded by working professionals.

Security and brand identity – You may not have the same desk to return to day in and day out, unless you pay to secure one. What’s more, if you are trying to build a brand, the community feel of coworking may not be the way to go.

Price – Yes coworking is cheaper than renting an office of your own, but it is not without cost. You will have to fund your journey to work, the various amenities and desk space, all of which is more expensive than working from home.

Do you have experience of coworking? Get in touch and let us know how the experience was for you by leaving a comment below!