Reddin Clancy goes live with ZipBox website

On Tuesday 4th August, Derek at Reddin Clancy Consultant Chartered Surveyors contacted NovaLoca to say that he was experiencing issues with his website.  Developed over 4 years earlier, Reddin Clancy’s existing website was running very slowly and at the very least needed moving to a new server. In addition, the website did not hold any of Reddin Clancy’s property details, instead linking through to directory listings on NovaLoca. While this was a good simple solution, it meant that Reddin Clancy was not benefiting from any of the search engine optimisation that should have accompanied the great property content being generated.  Additionally Reddin Clancy were not able to manage any of their own content, relying on asking developers to make changes.

“I was experiencing issues with my existing website and needed to find a replacement quickly. Having confirmed my order with NovaLoca, the link to my new ZipBox website was sent to me less than 7 working days later. NovaLoca made everything really easy for me by copying over my existing text, branding and news stories. The content management system makes updating and adding new information very straight forward and the property search and display is excellent. I couldn’t be more pleased.”
Derek at Reddin Clancy Consultant Chartered Surveyors

 After discussing the options, Derek quickly saw the benefit of moving to a ZipBox website, agreeing to go ahead by the end of the same day. NovaLoca’s developers quickly set to work customising a site for Reddin Clancy.  Within 5 working days this had been completed and the site was ready to have content added.  The NovaLoca team adapted content from the existing Reddin Clancy website, including news and case studies, agent biographies etc and emailed links to the new Reddin Clancy website less than 2 days later.

Click here to see the new Reddin Clancy Consultant Chartered Surveyors website.

Contact Miranda on 01767 313428 or email to find out how you can upgrade your site in just a week! Or click here to visit the ZipBox website.

Before and After Shots:Reddin Clancy - ZipBox website after

Reddin-Clancy - Before website shot