Understanding Google’s New System – and What it Means for Your Website
Last year, we asked our readers if they were prepared for Google’s ‘Mobilegeddon’, an initiative by the search engine giant to rank their search results based on how mobile-friendly websites were.
Well, it looks as if the company is set to elaborate further on this plan. Speaking at digital marketing conference Pubcon in October, Google’s trends analysist Gary Illes announced that Google will be using the search results from mobile sites as their primary search criteria, and as of last November, this has begun to roll out into its experimental phase.
It sounds minor, but the difference is a lot further reaching; essentially, it’s now more beneficial to put your most appropriate content on your mobile site.
Don’t Panic!
Your website isn’t going anywhere, nor will it be absent from any Google searches; but if your mobile site is lacking, or doesn’t offer quite as many benefits as your desktop site, you may find that your number of visitors drops behind your more mobile-conscious competitors.
Thankfully, preparing for this isn’t difficult at all; Google’s own Mobile-Friendly Test will check your mobile site against its own criteria. Meanwhile, our previous Mobilegeddon blog covers a number of other bespoke sites that’ll give you an idea of how accessible your site is.
Simple Solutions for You and Your Visitors
One common complaint about this shift to a mobile index is that mobile screens can’t display as much information as desktops. True, of course; but then this is a secondary concern to what web users are beginning to demand. Faster loading times, clearer text and improved functionality are top priority for mobile users who, even now, are reporting less-than-stellar performance from many mobile websites. With mobiles often relying on a cellular connection, as opposed to a home or business Wi-Fi, having a simpler site can really give you the edge on this much-requested speed boost.
A Natural App-titude
Juggling multiple apps – your Facebook, your Twitter – can seem overwhelming, but more and more sites are incorporating these seamlessly into their web design. It is after all, what they’re designed for. You’d be hard-pressed to find any site that doesn’t have a special toolbar for such social apps, and sharing an article is often as simple as tapping the corresponding icon.
Anyone viewing your site on mobile will undoubtedly have access to these apps, so you’ll soon find having them yourself will become even more beneficial. Think of them as tools, rather than burdens, and your social apps can become exceptional methods for ease-of-use and gauging your audience.
Could you do with a mobile-friendly site of your own? ZipBox is just what you’re looking for.
Already know your Tweets from your Tumblrs? Why not read up on 5 social media tools that make online marketing easier?