Why Employers Should Offer Flexible Working

Many businesses are realising that it is not necessary that their employees work 9-5 in an office every day. Studies have found that flexible workers achieved more, had less sick days, worked longer hours and were happier in their work. Flexible working could be working from home, working part time, working outside of 9-5 hours to avoid rush hour or job sharing.

Flexible working has traditionally been known as a solution for working mothers, but more and more employees are choosing to work flexibly. Some find that they are more productive in their own environment so they choose to work from home. Others wish to avoid rush hour to reduce the amount of time they are travelling daily.

Since 2014, all workers in the UK have the right to request flexible working. 54% of employees now work flexibly in some form. The rise is largely down to increases in technology as communicating with workers at home is now just as easy as communicating with someone in the same office. Flexible working has many benefits, for employers as well as employees.

What are the benefits for employers offering flexible working?

  • Attracting and retaining more talented employees
  • Employees more efficient and productive while at work
  • More diverse workplace
  • Improved staff morale
  • Longer working hours
  • Reduced absenteeism
  • Lower office costs due to less equipment needed

What are the benefits for employees of flexible working?

  • Ability to meet family needs
  • Reduced time and stress caused from commuting
  • Control over schedule
  • Flexibility to work when and where you feel most productive