NovaLoca Scottish Disposals Report Spring 2019
On the 24th April this year we took a six week snapshot of all available Scottish listings on NovaLoca, and compared the information with those available just 6 weeks earlier on the 12th March.
Close to 4,000 listings from well over 100 different companies were analysed. Details and exact dates of deals were not collected but those no longer registered as available or under offer at the end of the 6 week period were counted as ‘disposed of’ (duplicate listings were removed where possible).
Over 300 disposals were registered in the 6 week period representing 8% of properties listed on the 12th March. All but 10 listings had been replaced with new instructions added within the same period.
Interestingly Retail topped the charts of property types with 10% of all retail listings disposed of by the end of the 6 week period. This is despite well reported news of a struggling sector as discussed in our blog post here. Industrial property came in second with just over 9% of all listings disposed of and Other property next with 8%. Performing slightly below the average, 7% of land/development listings had been disposed of, 6% of office listings and 5% of leisure.
Overall 47 different companies registered disposals within this 6 week period and we are happy to announce that at the top of the table, accounting for 20% of all disposals are:
They are closely followed by DM Hall with 16%. However following the announcement that Graham + Sibbald (previously listing some but not all properties with NovaLoca) have gone ahead with a companywide subscription the next report results could be different…
If there is any other data you would like us to look at please do let us know. We are always happy to listen to your suggestions.