NovaLoca Summer Disposals Report 2019
16,500 listings from well over 250 different companies were analysed in the above period. There were close to 1,300 disposals accounting for 8% of all listings. The amount of property listings rose to 17,510 by the end of the examined period (mainly due to new subscriptions going ahead).
Details and exact dates of deals were not collected but those no longer registered as available or under offer at the end of the 6 week period were counted as ‘disposed of’.
Disposals by Property type
Interestingly, as in our previous Scottish Spring report Retail topped the charts with 13% disposed of.
The Top 5 Companies with the highest number of disposals
The top 5 companies accounted for over 30% of all disposals, with Avison Young & JLL topping the charts with 9% each. Shepherd accounted for 7% with Cushmans & DM Hall on 4%. Of the 5 DM Hall disposed of the highest percentage of their initial portfolio with over 11% disposed of, also regaining 12% to end the period with a higher number of properties than they began with.
The Top 6 Companies disposing of the highest percentage of their portfolio
We looked at companies with in excess of 50 properties at the start of the 2 month period. The Top 6 companies each disposed of over 20% of their portfolio with Davies & Co coming first with their disposal of 36%. TSA in second place disposed of 26% and then regained 34%. Telsar disposing of 20%; regained the most at a whopping 40%; both companies ending up with more properties than they started with despite their high disposals level.