Using Augmented Reality for Commercial Property Marketing
You’ve probably encountered Augmented Reality (AR) without realising it. Those Snapchat filters that add effects over faces and are regularly posted on social media use this technology. It is reported that there are 2.5 billion Snapchats a day, that’s a lot of social sharing. It’s a technology that is already part of everyday life and is becoming more and more accessible. By the end of the year a new app: Adobe Project Aero will be available for use. This AR tool will allow users to create immersive content using existing applications such as Photoshop and Illustrator.
How does AR work?
AR projects computer-generated enhancements on top of an existing environment, blending virtual reality and real life, so users can interact with virtual contents in their own real world. The images can be static or video. Previously in this blog we’ve looked at the benefits of VR in Commercial Property sales but AR has the potential to be even more accessible as there is no need for a headset or a confined space for people to be immersed in. At a basic level you just need a smart phone or tablet camera, and an app that has AR features.
How can it be used for Commercial Property Marketing?
AR allows for virtual staging, where potential buyers can view what an empty office space could look like once it is furnished, a much more convenient process than actual staging. Users can put their phones over an image and see their own design choices such as where the conference table will fit best. These items will be shown in proportion to their surroundings. This also works well in the leisure industry, for example customers can view hotels they are considering staying at.
There is also the potential for interactive advertising placed on commercial buildings, which are often in a prominent position. Passers-by point their phones at a poster and watch content connected to the product in the advert.
AR offers immersive experiences which in turn enhance your audience’s emotional engagement. As we have explored previously this tends to increase the chances of your content being shared.