NovaLoca Scottish Summer and Autumn Disposal Report 2019
In our previous Scottish Spring Report we took a six week snapshot of all available Scottish listings on NovaLoca. For our summer/autumn report we compared 4,800 properties during an 11 week period between July and October, looking at 127 companies. Details and exact dates of deals were not collected but those no longer registered as available or under offer at the end of the 11 week period were counted as ‘disposed of’.
Overall Scotland disposed of 14.2% of its available stock while the rest of the UK disposed of 13.4%. Of this stock over 80% was replaced for Scottish listings with 100% for the rest of the UK.
This time round Leisure topped the charts of property types disposed of with 21% of all listings disposed, and in second place with 19% disposed of was retail. Interestingly leisure, office, retail & other property disposed of was pretty much replaced over the period but only 60% of industrial stock was replaced which appears to be due to a lack of supply. https://www.insider.co.uk/news/shortage-large-units-hits-industrial-14020163.
Retaining their first place position as the company registering the most Scottish disposals within this period is Shepherd Commercial but now listing all their stock with NovaLoca, Graham + Sibbald move in to second position followed by DM Hall in third place.
The company disposing of the highest percentage of their own portfolio (we looked at companies with 15 or more properties) was David Allison and Company disposing of 60% of their listings closely followed by Mulraney Group also disposing of 60% and TSA Property consultants with 39%.
If there is any other data you would like us to look at please do let us know. We are always happy to listen to your suggestions.
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