office space with laptop

A Green Approach To Flexible Office Spaces

Guest blog post by Elizabeth Raw 

Flexible offices are a convenient short-term letting option for businesses requiring a commitment-free workspace. However, with most professional environments being ‘move-in ready’, businesses are likely to have little influence in the design and interior arrangement – meaning organisations that keep environmentalism at the forefront of their ethos may struggle to incorporate eco-friendly practices into their day-to-day activity.

That’s why, in today’s post, we’ll be taking a closer look at how you can take a green approach to flexible office spaces, maintaining a strong environmental consciousness whether you’re in the office for days, weeks or months.

office space with laptop

Keep it close

If you’re moving offices, picking a flexible workspace that’s close to your original office is always a good idea. Not only is this the most logical option in terms of ensuring there’s minimal disruption to your employees’ daily commutes, but it also inspires a more eco-friendly approach to moving day.

A flexible office close to the original workspace means all the vital equipment (laptops, monitors, chargers and, of course, the office mugs) can easily be transported between workspaces, minimising transportation times and the subsequent carbon emissions.

If your new flexible office is within walking distance of the old one, get your employees involved by having them carry their own equipment and belongings. Not only does this reduce the need for motor transportation, but it’s a great team bonding activity with the potential to boost employee morale. For those members of staff who struggle with local geography, this is also an effective way to ensure everyone can get their bearings – meaning there’s no excuse for anyone to be late on Monday morning!

Avoid prioritising convenience above all else

In part-time workspaces, the temptation to keep things ‘quick and easy’ is often the most tempting option – after all, it is a temporary workspace.

However, in the interest of environmentalism, we suggest looking to avoid prioritising convenience over eco-friendliness. For example, if you’re in a flexible office for just a couple of weeks, it may be tempting to stock up on plenty of disposable plastic cups, plates and packaging as a temporary serving solution for lunches and break times. Instead, why not try to offer non-harmful alternatives, such as eco-friendly packaging? Items such as wooden cutlery and recyclable cups will ensure your team can still eat and drink efficiently, while remaining environmentally conscious in the process.

 But prioritise convenience where it matters

 In contrast to our last point, when environmentalism is at the forefront of your concerns, in some instances, it can also be important to prioritise convenience. So, why not try to pick a flexible office space that provides a convenient commute for all of your employees, and promotes greener travel wherever possible?

For example, if you know that a proportion of your workforce cycle or walk to work, make sure your choice in flexible office space is still within easy reach by these green modes of transport. Alternatively, if your flexible office space provides parking availability, encourage a car-share scheme to cut back on transport-related emissions.

cyclist on residential road

Maintaining your environmental consciousness while moving to or from a flexible office space is easy with some simple and smart choices. With that in mind, why not browse the large range of offices available to let on NovaLoca today?

Author bio:

Elizabeth Raw works for R+R Packaging, providers of biodegradable and eco-friendly packaging materials for businesses within a wide variety of industries.