Poetry and the power of words in your Adverts

When writing adverts and marketing for your brand you are always striving to find the best words to convey what it is you want to say in the most succinct and memorable way possible. And this is where poetry and advertising campaigns collide. 

Poetry is an art form that requires choosing the most powerful words to convey an experience or emotion. Every word is carefully chosen. And we don’t forget words that move us. In uncertain times we turn to poetry for the comfort of knowing that others feel the same as us and as we move forward from the worst of the current pandemic it can express our hopes for the future. 

So it makes sense that it is an art form that can be learnt from when it comes to crafting our advertisements.  Nationwide Building Society has been using poetry in its adverts for a couple of years. The poets in their videos provide an authentic voice. Watch this Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing video which aims to “change the narrative on nursing” with nurses speaking about their work in a poem. It’s very powerful. The use of rhyme particularly works well. 

Images and words combined to create a strong message are the basis of digital marketing. Poets on Instagram have been producing work that is worth taking a look at even though they are not business posts. The hashtag #instapoetry has over 4 million followers. Their posts show poems in a variety of ways: sometimes they use handwritten notes, or have the text appear as if on a billboard. Aren’t people actually following and liking the lifestyle presented in these images and isn’t it a lifestyle choice you are really selling with your brand? Take some time to study these pieces from the font choice made, the short punchlines to the subject matters covered. Here’s a couple of our word and image combinations that were used during last Christmas.

It’s not often that work research can be a pleasure. And I’ve no doubt you actually are a poet. You just don’t know it yet.