hand holding a mobile phone showing a FB login page

5 Facebook Trends for Businesses in 2021

Facebook is still one of the major social media platforms. It is also the channel where consumers spend most of their time. If you use it for your business it’s important to know what the latest trends on the site are so you can get the best out of it and best serve your customers. Here are 5 things that are currently trending.

Facebook Shopping 

Facebook shops are designed to give small businesses the chance to set up a virtual store even if they do not already have an online store or ecommerce platform. They are free to set up but do attract fees if you want visitors to complete a transaction in the shop rather than doing so on your website.   

User-generated content (UGC) 

UCG is any type of content that is created by your customers or followers using your products.  It is an organic form of marketing and is therefore more likely to be trusted by consumers as truthful. The desire for authenticity is something that has been trending in social media generally. Customers usually find it exciting to see their content and this in turn generates more engagement which ranks well on Facebook’s algorithm. Just don’t forget to ask permission before you share anything. 

Longform Facebook posts and ads. 

A longform post is one that has over approximately 1000 words. It is a chance to explain more complex ideas and is gaining in popularity. The intent is to give your audience value and educational material, not just promotion of a product, without the need to click away to another site.

Facebook stories

Facebook stories are short video, animation or photo clips, made with the facebook in-app camera that lasts for 24 hours. The story format is very popular on many social media platforms. On Facebook they attract over 500 million daily users. Stories by friends or followed pages appear in a prominent position at the top of both the Facebook app and on desktop which is why they are a great way for a business to get their posts seen. There is also the option to bring over your Instagram story posts. Again the most popular posts are those that are authentic and human. Maybe you can make it a way to share tips and advice

Facebook Live 

We’ve said it many times and it’s still the case – video ranks highest for engagement on social media and live video watching is growing. Facebook Live was launched in 2016 and now one in five Facebook videos is a live broadcast.  It is a great opportunity for businesses to interact with their customers in real time with such things as a launch event, showing behind the scenes stories or giving a demo of a product. They don’t have to be fancy productions, having a homemade look and feel is very popular.

Visit NovaLoca’s Facebook page here.