Why you should subscribe with NovaLoca

2021 was NovaLoca’s best ever year where we welcomed 38 new subscribers and saw increases across the board with website visits and enquiries. So what better time than the start of a new year to highlight the many benefits of a NovaLoca subscription: 

Newsletters – Any articles, news or special deals current subscribers share with us can appear for free in our UK wide and area specific newsletters NovaLoca newsletter image

Social Media – Featured properties and news are shared within Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram to our ever increasing audiences

a FB post advertising commercial propertytweet by Novaloca

instagram post for new subscriberpost from LinkedIn Novaloca page


Interviews – Reproduced as news articles on our website blog, which are then promoted on our social media channels and in newsletters.

Email Alerts – All new and updated properties are sent out by email to any of our 54,000+ registered agents, occupiers, councils, investors & developers with matching requirements. 

novaloca email alert example


Local Agent List – Promotion in our ‘Contact Local Agents’ section where occupiers searching for property in your local area will see your details alongside the search results. 


But don’t just take our word for how good our subscription packages are:

For subscription prices, more information, user support or just a chat about NovaLoca contact chris@novaloca.com for prices, more information, user support or just a chat about NovaLoca.