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How mixed-use developments contribute to urban revitalisation in the UK

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Photo by Max Harlynking on Unsplash

What is a mixed used development? It is a space that combines residential and commercial space, sometimes this includes industrial and even green space. It can involve just a single building or a large area with a focus on renovation and investment in existing places.

Mixed-use developments can play a role in urban regeneration by addressing various urban challenges and transforming areas into vibrant, sustainable, and economically viable spaces. Here’s how mixed-use developments contribute to urban regeneration in the UK:

1. Brownfield Site Redevelopment:

Mixed-use developments often revitalise brownfield sites, (which are previously developed plots no longer in use), which can include former industrial, commercial spaces and military bases. This redevelopment can reduce urban sprawl, less building on greenfield sites and promotes the efficient use of land with even very small sites offering the opportunity for improvement to a community.

King’s Cross Central, London has undergone a massive redevelopment project transforming it into a vibrant mixed-use area. The development includes offices, retail spaces, residential units, and cultural venues. It has not only revitalised the area but has enhanced the renovated King’s Cross and St Pancras International stations.

2. Economic Diversification:

Mixed-use developments create employment opportunities by incorporating commercial spaces such as offices, retail units, and restaurants. They also allow workers and residents to become customers of the businesses within the development.

By providing spaces for local businesses, mixed-use developments can boost entrepreneurship and support small-scale enterprises, enhancing the local business ecosystem.

3. Community Revitalisation:

Cultural venues, theatres, parks, and community centres can be part of a development, fostering a sense of community and belonging. These spaces become hubs for cultural activities, art events, and social interactions, promoting community engagement.

Integrating affordable housing within mixed-use projects ensures a mix of housing options, catering to different income levels, and creating inclusive communities.

MediaCityUK, Salford: Located in Greater Manchester, MediaCityUK is a waterfront development that has become a hub for media, digital, and creative industries. It includes office spaces, television studios, residential buildings, retail outlets, hotels, and leisure facilities. The development has attracted major media companies and contributed to the regeneration of the Salford Quays area.

4. Sustainable Urban Development:

Eco-friendly practices are becoming more important in any sort of property development. Mixed use properties can incorporate green spaces, energy-efficient technologies, and sustainable building materials, contributing to environmental goals and reducing the carbon footprint of urban areas.

By having mixed-use developments in well-connected areas, the use of public transportation is encouraged. This reduces traffic congestion, promotes walking and cycling, and contributes to a greener urban environment. Workers and residents are also less likely to travel far if they have facilities next to their home or office.

5. Infrastructure and Public Services:

Mixed-use developments can require additional infrastructure changes, such as improved roads, utilities, and public spaces which of course means additional initial costs, however these enhancements benefit not only the development itself but also the surrounding areas, promoting overall urban development.

Integrating educational institutions and healthcare facilities within mixed-use projects ensures convenient access to essential services, particularly in urban areas where these services are in high demand.

6. Preservation of Local Identity:

Engaging local communities in the planning process ensures that mixed-use developments reflect the area’s unique identity and character. This involvement can lead to the preservation of historical landmarks and traditions, fostering a sense of pride among residents.

Birmingham Smithfield, Birmingham: This redevelopment project aims to transform a large area of the city centre into a mixed-use district featuring retail spaces, leisure facilities, residential units, and public spaces. The project seeks to preserve historic buildings while introducing modern amenities to attract residents, businesses, and visitors.

In summary, mixed-use developments in the UK can serve as catalysts for urban regeneration by transforming underutilised spaces into vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive communities. Through thoughtful planning and community involvement, these developments contribute to economic growth, environmental sustainability, and the overall well-being of residents, making cities more resilient and liveable.

You can search for mixed use developments in all regions of the UK on NovaLoca by using the drop-down menu on the main search page under ‘all property types’.