notes on uploading photos

How to upload multiple photos to your NovaLoca Listing.

Log in to to your NovaLoca account to access your property management system and then follow these steps to successfully upload images:

  • Use the Image Type dropdown menu to choose the correct category (e.g., Photo).
  • Click the “Choose Files” button.
  • To select multiple images:
    • Hold the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (Mac) while clicking on individual files to select them or
    • Hold the Shift key and click to select a continuous range of files.


Once you have selected one or more files in the dialog box, the selected quantity will be shown next to the ‘Choose files’ button and the selected ‘qtyMB of 150MB’ will be shown below. If you have exceeded the 150MB max this will be displayed in red and the ‘Save new images’ button will be disabled.


  • Selected images will be uploaded in the order they were chosen.
  • If adding a caption, note that it will only apply to the first image. Captions for other images must be added separately.
  • Click the “Save new image(s)” button to begin the upload process. You will now see a ‘loading’ spinner on the now disabled button.
  • Upload time will depend on the size of the files and your internet connection speed. Once the files have uploaded the ‘loading’ spinner will disappear. Once processed on our server the images will appear on your property.


Additional Notes:

Accepted file types: .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, .png
Maximum total file size: 150MB
Large file sizes may take longer to upload
Images will appear as “Processing” until the upload is complete

By following these steps, you can efficiently upload multiple images to our website in one go.

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