The Bizarre Hidden Secrets of Microsoft Office

  So, let’s be perfectly honest - Microsoft Office, arguably the most renowned and familiar of office software, is still pretty unassuming. Being so pristine, functional and clean isn’t always a barrel of laughs, and it would seem that ... Read more

Agent Interview: Chris Miles of Russell Property Consultants on Bristol’s Strong, Dynamic Property Market

  Russell Property Consultants now has a combined 40 years’ worth experience specialising in industrial agency, investment and development, and are the only niche industrial agency practice in Bristol to cover the region. Chris Miles joined ... Read more

What Will 2017 Mean for the Commercial Property Market?

2016, possibly the most unpredictable 365 days in recent memory, has seemingly thrown us all into a state of uncertainty. Even now, we’re still awaiting clarity on our government’s plan for Brexit (Will it be hard? Soft? Medium-rare?), and the ... Read more

Understanding Google’s New System – and What it Means for Your Website

Last year, we asked our readers if they were prepared for Google’s ‘Mobilegeddon’, an initiative by the search engine giant to rank their search results based on how mobile-friendly websites were. Well, it looks as if the company is set to ... Read more

The Strangest Business Ideas that Actually Worked

What do most startups fear when they take that first plunge into the world of business? Is it an ever-changing market? Is the technology evolving too rapidly? Or is it simply a fear that that daring new business idea might not ever take off? If ... Read more

Top Performing Agents of 2016

This year, we looked at our top performing companies to determine just why they perform as well as they do. We investigated all those that listed more than 5 properties, and the average number of enquiries each property received over the last 6 ... Read more

Invest in Bristol

A bustling city with a rich, sea-faring history, Bristol’s cultural centre is an illustrious mix of the classical and the contemporary. With dedicated commutes to London and the proud accolade of “Best Place to Live in Britain” by Sunday Times thanks ... Read more