Stunning spectacle or economic boom – What are the benefits of hosting a global sporting event?

The 2014 World Cup started yesterday in Brazil with a fanfare of music, colours and carnival. The home nation then emerged to play the opening game, from which they delivered a crowd pleasing comeback to beat the plucky Croatians. It was a ... Read more

Pros and cons of buying or leasing commercial property

To buy or not to buy, that is the question. It can be a tough decision for businesses to decide whether it’s worth committing to buying a property, opposed to the possibly safer route of leasing. We’ve looked at some of the advantages and ... Read more

Research reveals long-term increase in Smartphone and Tablet visitors to NovaLoca

Last week we revealed the growth in mobile and tablet users accessing the NovaLoca website over the previous 12 months. We also looked at why having a top quality mobile site is essential for any business in 2014. Following on from our research last ... Read more

Why having a mobile site is now essential for all businesses

The beauty of mobile technology is that we can access any websites or information almost instantly. Nevertheless, how irratating is it when you go to have a quick browse on your phone and the website in question doesn't have a mobile version? We’ve ... Read more

NovaLoca research shows increase in mobile users

Research undertaken by NovaLoca has revealed an increase in the number of mobile and tablet users searching for commercial property on The research, sourced from Google Analytics, also showed a major increase in total website sessions ... Read more

10 things to consider when choosing a broadband provider for your business

Choosing the right broadband provider is vital for any business. However, it can be tricky to find a provider with the right package for you. Make a bad choice and you could end up paying over the odds or left with cripplingly slow internet speed. ... Read more

10 of the most striking places to work in the world!

Previously we  have looked at some of the unique offices from around the world. Creating an aesthetically pleasing work place with quirky features is becoming increasingly prevalent, but the first impression of any building is the outside. If you are ... Read more

Are changes to the conversion process bad news for commercial property?

Removing the obstacle of planning permission from commercial to residential conversion should be a positive thing. Less red tape, quicker conversions and fewer empty high street premises. The government wins too; increased redevelopment of old ... Read more