Agent Interview: Chris Miles of Russell Property Consultants on Bristol’s Strong, Dynamic Property Market

  Russell Property Consultants now has a combined 40 years’ worth experience specialising in industrial agency, investment and development, and are the only niche industrial agency practice in Bristol to cover the region. Chris Miles joined ... Read more

Top Performing Agents of 2016

This year, we looked at our top performing companies to determine just why they perform as well as they do. We investigated all those that listed more than 5 properties, and the average number of enquiries each property received over the last 6 ... Read more

Which agents and property types feature most across Scotland?

We thought it would be interesting to look at which agents and property types feature most in the regions across Scotland! How did we do it? We looked at all commercial property listings available on NovaLoca on the 30th September 2016. We broke ... Read more

How long does it take to re-brand your commercial property website?

Last year, Airlink re-launched their website using ZipBox – our great commercial property website product. Airlink have had great success with their ZipBox website so far. Last week, Airlink went through a fantastic new re-branding changing their ... Read more

NovaLoca attend FSB Bedfordshire Business Awards 2016

Last night Miranda Munn, NovaLoca's MD, enjoyed a great evening at the FSB Bedfordshire Business awards 2016 at Luton Hoo Hotel. Miranda's account of the wonderful evening is below: Kindly invited by Central Bedfordshire Council, sponsors of the ... Read more

Get a new mobile responsive website with NovaLoca!

Last summer, NovaLoca launched ZipBox – a game changing web solution for commercial property professionals. Clients including Airlink and Reddin-Clancy have had great success so far with their ZipBox websites. Why do we need a mobile optimised ... Read more