Make the most out of your property listings by keeping them up-to-date

We send monthly ‘Update Your Properties’ emails to our clients who update their properties manually. In order to get the most out of your property listings, it is important to use these emails to remind you to keep them up-to-date. Our listings ... Read more

Commercial Property in the South West: Interview with Alison Williams, Associate Partner at Carter Jonas

As part of our research on the South West of England, we spoke to Alison Williams, Associate Partner at Carter Jonas, to get her thoughts on the Commercial Property market in the region. How would you rate the overall situation of the commercial ... Read more

How to Maintain your Commercial Property

Commercial buildings are a large investment for any business and with owning a commercial property, comes a duty of care to ensure the structure is maintained to a high standard. Poor maintenance of a building can increase the likelihood of it ... Read more

Home and Away: Brexit’s Impact on the Hospitality Industry

15 months on, Brexit has barely left the public conscience - and with good reason. The landmark result will see British trade and government go through its most drastic changes in 45 years. There’s been equal celebration as there has concern, and ... Read more

Future Perfect: How Modern Tech is Shaping the Commercial Property Industry

It's no secret that NovaLoca is driven and inspired by the technology of today and tomorrow, and the 21st century gives us plenty to be excited about. We are, arguably, on the cusp of a brand new industrial revolution that could change how we conduct ... Read more

Are Changes Brewing for Pub Properties?

Few British institutions have endured, nor been as widely celebrated, as the Friday night pub visit (and its optional cousin – the kebab shop stumble). Yet the industry itself currently finds itself battling with the government over the new business ... Read more

Could London Be a World-Leading ‘Smart City’?

Speaking earlier this week at London Tech Week, London mayor Sadiq Khan ambitiously pledged to turn London into the world’s leading smart city; running its systems and services through the use of data, connectivity and information technology, it’s ... Read more