Must ask questions when looking for commercial property

Here at NovaLoca we have all the tools you need to find the right commercial property for your business. However, before you start your search, there are some key questions that need answering. Here are some points to be thinking about when looking ... Read more

The benefits of moving from home office to commercial premises

There are many advantages of running a business from home. Overheads can be kept at a minimum and there’s no travelling to and from a workplace. However there will come a time when every home business has to think about moving to a real office or ... Read more

Seaside towns given chance to receive multi-million pound government funding

Revealed as part of George Osborne’s budget this week, seaside towns in the UK will have the opportunity to bid for £90m of government funding. This boost comes as part of the Coastal Communities Fund, which started in 2012 and has been extended ... Read more

The advantages of renting commercial property

When searching for commercial property on a property portal like NovaLoca one of the first choices will be whether you are renting or buying. Following our recent blog looking at the benefits of buying business premises, here we are looking at ... Read more

How to choose the right colours when branding a business

Choosing colours for a logo or business premises can be challenging. Each has their own meaning and interpretation and it’s important for businesses to get the right message across with their branding. We’ve looked at each colour and what they could ... Read more

What are the pros and cons of a third runway at Heathrow?

Following years of indecision a recommendation was finally made this week on the best route to increase the UK’s aviation capacity. Sir Howard Davies and four other members of the Airports Commission unanimously decided that the best option was to ... Read more

How did NovaLoca fare at the annual IAS 5-aside football competition?

NovaLoca were once again participants at the IAS 5-aside football competition this June, taking place at the PowerLeague grounds in the shadow of Wembley Stadium. Our six man squad travelled down to London to compete against some of the biggest ... Read more

Under offer space in Central London office market at highest level since 2000

The amount of office space currently under offer in Central London is at its highest level since November 2000, according to recent research from CBRE. A total of 4.5 million sq ft of space was under offer by the end of May 2015, an increase of ... Read more

5 key considerations for businesses when searching for retail space

Of all the forms of commercial property, retail is enduring the toughest time in overcoming the ghost of the economic crisis. Office and industrial are ploughing ahead, but take-up of retail space is still struggling and retailers are finding it ... Read more

The advantages of buying commercial premises

Many businesses won’t have the option to purchase their own commercial premises, with potentially substantial deposits proving an insurmountable roadblock. Leasing is by far the most common route for businesses in the UK, but for those with the ... Read more