NovaLoca rated the most mobile friendly commercial property portal

NovaLoca is rated as one of the most mobile responsive commercial property portals, according to Google’s mobile friendly test. The test, which can be used to analyse a website’s usability on mobile devices, rates NovaLoca as completely mobile ... Read more

Are you prepared for Google’s Mobilegeddon?

It’s always worrying for businesses when Google changes its algorithm. No one wants to wake up to find their website has gone from the first page to rankings obscurity overnight. So what is Mobilegeddon and how will it affect you? On April 21st ... Read more

Improving digital engagement could make high streets billions

A government report has stated that high streets could increase footfall and make billions of pounds by embracing new technology and improving digital engagement with shoppers. The Digital High Street Report 2020, initiated by the government and ... Read more

NovaLoca starts 2015 with record breaking months

NovaLoca is delighted to announce that January and February were record breaking months, with both traffic and enquiries reaching higher levels than ever before. Following a highly positive year in 2014, where the record for most monthly enquiries ... Read more

The dos and don’ts of social media property marketing

Social media is a necessity of modern marketing and something that the property industry is increasingly using in a very positive way. However, considering the importance of social media marketing, we've highlighted some of the dos and don'ts of ... Read more