Jones Lang LaSalle considers the future for the City of London’s occupier mix

“London is one of the most mature, dynamic office markets in the world, and as such it is in a constant state of flux.” So says Jones Lang LaSalle in a look back at the changing nature of the market for offices in Central London. The stock of ... Read more

Economic growth in South West to bring opportunities – Jones Lang LaSalle

Jones Lang LaSalle has been banging the drum for the South West in its market review of the area, predicting a growth rate of 13% this year for the region – which it says is equal to the West Midlands, and is in the top four regions outside ... Read more

West London office rents to continue rising – Jones Lang LaSalle

Jones Lang LaSalle says 2012 was a solid year for the Western Corridor office market, with total take-up of 2.0m sq ft across the market. This was in line with the five-year annual average, the firm says. In the West London offices sub-market, ... Read more

Speculative London offices development to return in 2013–Jones Lang LaSalle

Neil Prime of Jones Lang LaSalle says speculative office activity is expected to return to the London property market in 2013, as the current development pipeline is “inadequate to meet any upturn in demand”. JLL expects around 4.3m sq ft of office ... Read more

Steady occupier demand for European logistics assets – Jones Lang LaSalle

Occupier demand for European logistics assets held steady in the third quarter of 2012, says Jones Lang LaSalle in its latest research into the market for logistics property of more than 5,000 sq m (10,000 sq m in the UK). Take-up in Q3 2012 reached ... Read more

Positive outlook for Central London offices – Jones Lang LaSalle

London remains the key destination for global capital flowers, and an attractive location for occupiers to take advantage of an innovative and entrepreneurial environment, but it cannot become complacent and must continue to evolve in order to remain ... Read more

Central London offices: More cause for optimism – Jones Lang LaSalle

Activity in the Central London offices market was subdued during the third quarter, says Jones Lang LaSalle, with 1.6m sq ft let across 88 transactions. Volumes were a third below the quarterly average and this was the lowest Q3 total since 2003. ... Read more

Western Corridor industrial property has turned the corner – Jones Lang LaSalle

Developers and investors have good reason to focus on the market for industrial property in West London and industrial units in the Thames Valley, says Jones Lang LaSalle in new research. This market is widely perceived to be leading a fragile ... Read more