Understanding Google’s New System – and What it Means for Your Website

Last year, we asked our readers if they were prepared for Google’s ‘Mobilegeddon’, an initiative by the search engine giant to rank their search results based on how mobile-friendly websites were. Well, it looks as if the company is set to ... Read more

Mobile traffic is rising, but is it fuelling a workforce that never stops?

This week NovaLoca released research that highlighted a shift in the way that people are searching for commercial property. Not only do 40% of all searches now come from portable devices, but there has also been a growing trend of people using ... Read more

Why having a mobile site is now essential for all businesses

The beauty of mobile technology is that we can access any websites or information almost instantly. Nevertheless, how irratating is it when you go to have a quick browse on your phone and the website in question doesn't have a mobile version? We’ve ... Read more