Make the most out of your property listings by keeping them up-to-date

We send monthly ‘Update Your Properties’ emails to our clients who update their properties manually. In order to get the most out of your property listings, it is important to use these emails to remind you to keep them up-to-date. Our listings ... Read more

Our advice for Business Owners looking for Commercial Property

Unlike with the residential property market, finding commercial property can be a lengthy process, particularly at the moment with the lack of stock of industrial and office properties across many parts of the UK. So, we’ve put together a list of ... Read more

Reasons to Invest in the North West

Many investors are turning away from London and choosing to invest in more viable locations in the UK, such as Liverpool and Manchester. In the first quarter of 2018, investment volumes in the North West hit £965million, which is more than double the ... Read more

How will Facebook’s Newest Update Affect Your Business?

Even though Facebook is the most popular social media site, with over 2 billion monthly active users, a lot of users have stated that it isn't as good as it used to be. So, Mark Zuckerberg posted on his Facebook page last week that he plans on ... Read more

How to Maintain your Commercial Property

Commercial buildings are a large investment for any business and with owning a commercial property, comes a duty of care to ensure the structure is maintained to a high standard. Poor maintenance of a building can increase the likelihood of it ... Read more