Top names in commercial property

If you are in commercial property you are most likely male, age 45 and called David…

If you are in commercial property you are most likely male, age 45 and called David... If you are a female in commercial agency you are most likely age 38, called Sarah and surrounded by 5 men. Following our recent newsletter, distributed on 15th ... Read more

Liverpool city

“Liverpool is the next big city for business leaders” – NovaLoca interview with Andreas Anastasiou of Tano Properties Ltd

Business leaders are now seeing Liverpool as the next big city undergoing a major resurgence and are keener than ever to do business in the Merseyside region. Liverpool’s business start up rate has risen by almost 60% since 2009. Tano Properties Ltd, ... Read more

NovaLoca reveal the most in demand areas for office space in the UK

Research undertaken by NovaLoca has revealed the most sought after areas for office space in each region of the UK. Using data from Google Analytics to cross-examine the search term ‘office space’ with the names of over 15,000 towns and areas ... Read more

Busy May for City office leasing – Jones Lang LaSalle

Activity in the market for City office space to let in May reached one of the highest monthly totals on record, says Jones Lang LaSalle. A total of 793,400 sq ft was taken up last month, which represents a 117% jump from April and is 135% above the ... Read more

Rising activity in Central London offices – Jones Lang LaSalle

Jones Lang LaSalle says 2.5m sq ft of office space in Central London was let during Q1 2013, the highest total since the end of 2010. The 863,000 sq ft forward sale to Google at King’s Cross certainly boosted this figure, but JLL says “demand does ... Read more

Jones Lang LaSalle considers the future for the City of London’s occupier mix

“London is one of the most mature, dynamic office markets in the world, and as such it is in a constant state of flux.” So says Jones Lang LaSalle in a look back at the changing nature of the market for offices in Central London. The stock of ... Read more

Room for City creativity – Colliers International

The range of City office space being marketed in the final quarter of 2012 serves as a reminder that there is room for creative deal-making, says Colliers International in its latest research into the sector. Take-up of City offices reached 1.3m ... Read more

City offices take-up rises but demand remains below average – Savills

Savills’ latest report on the market for office space in the City of London notes that take-up in December reached 500,000 sq ft, taking the total for 2012 to 4.63m sq ft, back in line with the ten-year average and 18% above the previous year’s ... Read more