Happy workplace

3 top tips for a happy workplace

In 2016 every business owner and office manager should know about the positive effects of running a happy and healthy workplace environment. It is essential for your staff to be comfortable, happy, energised and generally healthy in the working ... Read more

office cube with glass windows

5 unique tips for reinventing your office!

As we looked at in our previous blog ‘Four ways to make your workplace more inspiring and comfortable’, there is a new-found movement towards using innovative methods to spruce up working environments and to create relaxing office spaces. Below we ... Read more

Why certain dates this January are auspicious dates for an office move

For a little light relief in the run up to Christmas we’re taking a brief look at a different angle on the timing of your office move.  We touched on the principles of planning your office move in a recent post but our eyes were opened to the concept ... Read more

How to identify areas to cut office running costs with new benchmark

The annual cost of a typical air-conditioned UK office is £3 per sq ft in energy use, but this can vary considerably depending on how well a building is managed, says Jones Lang LaSalle. The Real Estate Environmental Benchmark recently launched by ... Read more