Artist impression Heathrow third runway

Heathrow have issued artist images of third runway, new terminal and Business Park

Heathrow airport have released artist impressions of how the proposed third runway will look. Facilities include a new central terminal, hotels, and a business park. The North West runway will be two miles long and big enough to accommodate even ... Read more

“Business has been excellent in Glasgow this year!” – NovaLoca speak with Brian Gifford of Airlink Group

One of the first companies to try, test and purchase a new website created through ZipBox, NovaLoca’s commercial property website template, was Airlink Group located in Glasgow. You can see their before and after website images at the end of this ... Read more

How the Waterfront Regeneration is changing the commercial property market in Dundee: NovaLoca speak to Adam Hutcheson of Westport Property

NovaLoca recently interviewed with Adam Hutcheson of Westport Property; a modern RICS regulated property surveyors practice based in Dundee, Scotland. Adam said, “It has been a very busy year, with a huge upturn in both transactions and interest from ... Read more

Liverpool city

“Liverpool is the next big city for business leaders” – NovaLoca interview with Andreas Anastasiou of Tano Properties Ltd

Business leaders are now seeing Liverpool as the next big city undergoing a major resurgence and are keener than ever to do business in the Merseyside region. Liverpool’s business start up rate has risen by almost 60% since 2009. Tano Properties Ltd, ... Read more

Must ask questions when looking for commercial property

Here at NovaLoca we have all the tools you need to find the right commercial property for your business. However, before you start your search, there are some key questions that need answering. Here are some points to be thinking about when looking ... Read more

Seaside towns given chance to receive multi-million pound government funding

Revealed as part of George Osborne’s budget this week, seaside towns in the UK will have the opportunity to bid for £90m of government funding. This boost comes as part of the Coastal Communities Fund, which started in 2012 and has been extended ... Read more

5 ways to make your business greener

It’s important for everyone to do their bit when it comes to the environment and for businesses with a property, there’s an even greater responsibility when it comes to being eco-friendly. Here are five easy ways for businesses to increase their ... Read more

Business rates reform should be top priority, says BRC

The British Retail Consortium has called on the government to make reforming business rates a top priority. It is believed that businesses could be faced with a 60% rate of tax by 2022 unless major alterations are made to the current business ... Read more

The advantages of buying commercial premises

Many businesses won’t have the option to purchase their own commercial premises, with potentially substantial deposits proving an insurmountable roadblock. Leasing is by far the most common route for businesses in the UK, but for those with the ... Read more

UK Government passes Devolution Bill

The UK Government has passed the Devolution Bill, which will allow cities, towns and councils to gain more control over local budgets and spending. A statement released by the government states that this move will take powers away from Westminster ... Read more