Aven Enterprise Park has recently been developed and offers four sizes of industrial units ranging from 1899 sq ft to 5975 sq ft, available on a short-term basis or on a more traditional lease. The park has extensive frontage to the main A631 Tickhill Road and is about one mile east of Maltby town centre. The highly successful industrial park comprises approximately 26,475 sq m (285,000 sq ft) of industrial accommodation within a total site area of approximately 26 acres. Within the estate are areas of land, which may also be utilised for dedicated storage uses. The estate also offers 24-hour security. The units provide industrial accommodation with steel roller shutter door access to the frontage and adjacent car parking. The A631 provides direct access to junction 1 of the M18 approximately three and a half miles to the west, and the M18 in turn gives easy access to both the A1 and M1 motorways. The centres of Rotherham and Doncaster are easily accessible for the estate.
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