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Closing Date 12 Noon Wednesday 3rd April 2024, Development Opportunity, Deerdykes Place, Westfield Industrial Estate, Cumbernauld, G68 9HD

8.2 acres / Land / Mixed Use

For Sale

Under Offer - Last updated: 17 December 2024

Prime business development site.

  • Sizeable, well positioned site with frontage to the M80 motorway
  • Existing red blaes pitch and ancillary open space
  • Suitable for Classes 4, 5 and 6 per North Lanarkshire Local Development Plan 2022


The opportunity is located within the established Westfield Industrial Estate, immediately adjacent to the M80.

Local occupiers include AG Barr, DPD, Optical Express, Scottish Water, Speedy Hire etc.


Size - 3.3 Hectare (8.2 Acre)


Price - Freehold offers invited whilst NLC intends to waive VAT exemption therefore VAT will be payable.

Bid Submissions - All bidders must be registered with Public ContractsScotland (https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk) as a “Supplier” (this is a free service and registration can be concluded within 10 minutes of logging onto the site).

Once registered, you will be able to search the site by using the "search notices" tab. From here you can download the supplementary information, ask questions and upload your bid submission.

Please include the following information with your submission:

  • a clear statement of the sum offered, along with any proposed contractual conditions/timescales.
  • drawings of the proposed development, showing layout, access and parking proposals.

The Council will only accept bid submissions made via the Public Contracts Scotland portal.

Bids arriving after the closing date/time will not be considered nor will bids sent by fax or email.

Following Closing Date - Once a preferred bidder is selected, final authority to proceed with the disposal will be required from NLC’s Finance & Resources committee on 22nd May 2024. The final legal offer production will be by agreement between the council and the preferred bidder.

Legal Costs - Each party shall be responsible for their own costs.


  • 3.3 Hectare (8.2 Acre) development site
  • Excellent access to M80/M74
  • Good visibility from M80
  • Designated Business Development Site in 2022 LDP
  • Closing date 12 noon Wednesday 3rd April 2024
  • Freehold offers invited.

Property Quote Price(s)

DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
Offers invited For Sale Freehold NA NA

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Emma MacDougall

North Lanarkshire Council

01698 225176

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