OFFERS ARE INVITED for 50.07 acre/20.27 Ha of farmland within the East Kilbride Community Growth area. To the south west of East Kilbride, the CGA extends to 309 acre/125 Ha in total and is the subject of a planning application for a mixed use development of residential, retail and education uses.
Part of the East Kilbride Community Growth Area which extends to approximately 125 hectares/309 acres in total and is located to the south west of East Kilbride largely bounded by Eaglesham Road, Jackton Road and Newlands Road.
50.07 acres/20.27 hectares of farmland, our client’s site is immediately to the west of the Gardenhall and Newlandsmuir areas of East Kilbride and forms part of what is identified in the Design Brief as Phase 4 of the overall development. The site appears to form part of the Hillside, Gillburn and Newlands character areas or neighbourhoods within the Masterplan.
The major land use within the Masterplan is residential and allows for around 1950 dwellings (of which 25% will be affordable housing) on 82 hectares whilst provision is also made for nursery and primary school facilities, local shops and greenspace.
The Masterplan is the subject of Planning Application No EK/09/0218 to South Lanarkshire Council and the Masterplan, Planning Officer’s Report to The Planning Committee and all other relevant information is available online at
The Report recommends that planning permission is granted subject to conditions and the conclusion of an appropriate Section 75 Obligation and/or other legal agreement.
Prospective purchasers should satisfy themselves with regards to any planning matters and aspects pertaining to the Section 75 Obligation.
On this basis, OFFERS ARE INVITED for our client’s ownership of 50.07 acres/20/27 hectares.
In the first instance, all offers should be submitted to Mr Cameron of this office.
VIEWING: STRICTLY by appointment through ourselves as agents.