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Elevated Site, Lour Road, Forfar, DD8 2BA

128,942 Sq Ft / Land / Vacant Site

For Sale

Under Offer - Last updated: 24 December 2024

The subjects are positioned a short distance south of the town centre off Lour Road, a highly sought after residential location. Surrounding properties are a mix of good quality residential dwellings and a modern day centre. The town\'s primary shopping, social and educational facilities are close to hand. The site, a former market garden, is situated on the east side of Lour Road and is accessed by means of a purpose built entrance road shared with the adjacent Day Centre. The land slopes downwards from south to north and is bounded by stone walls and modern fencing. At the southern end of the site stands a two storey stone and slate former dwelling (currently secured). We understand the site extends to 1.42 Hectares (2.96 Acres) or thereby

Property Quote Price(s)

DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
Elevated Site For Sale NA NA

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Gerry McCluskey

Shepherd Commercial

01382 604063

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