An excellent opportunity is afforded to secure a site, which benefits from Outline Planning Consent for the formation of a residential development of 21 dwelling houses. The subjects comprise a relatively level site which is accessed off Station Road. The whole site extends to approximately 1.72 hectares (4.25 acres) or thereby. A small burn runs along the eastmost boundary of the site.
The property can be found on the north side of the A952 which carries traffic in a northerly direction off the A92 trunk road to the busy coastal town of Peterhead which lies approximately 10 miles to the north of the subjects. In addition, the subjects are situated within relatively easy commuting distance to the city of Aberdeen which is situated approximately 30 miles to the south of the subject site. The site itself is located within the village of Hatton which itself serves as a service centre for the surrounding rural community. Within Hatton itself, limited local shopping, public transport, educational and social amenities are available nearby although a wider range of services can be found within Peterhead or alternatively within Ellon which is located around 9 miles to the south. A housing estate has been formed to the immediate north of the subjects and there are a number of dwellinghouses within the locale.
Approval has been granted for a residential development on the site, subject to a Section 75 Agreement which has recently been agreed. Approval has been granted for the development of 21 residential dwelling houses. Notwithstanding there may be an opportunity for a purchaser to gain consent for an alternative scheme which would result in a higher density of units. A further information pack relating to the proposed scheme, including a site plan and copies of the Outline Planning Consent and Section 75 Agreement is available to seriously interested parties. Notwithstanding, parties should however make their own enquiries with the Planning Department of Aberdeenshire Council, to establish whether their proposals are likely to be acceptable or otherwise.
Main supplies of electricity, water and gas, together with a connection to the main sewer are available from the adjacent road.
Offers are invited for our client’s heritable interest. Offers that do not include suspensive planning conditions will be preferred, although offers containing such conditions may be considered. A closing date may be set in the near future and parties wishing to be advised of this should formally note their interest with the selling agent.