Maidstone Borough Council granted planning consent in April 2017 for the development of 13 dwellings. The proposed scheme includes ten 3 bedroom houses and three 2 bedroom houses, which are a mix of terrace, semi-detached and detached houses.
( Agency Pilot Software Ref: 201719 )
The site is located within Tovil, a suburb to the south of Maidstone, on the junction of Tovil Green, Launder Way and Bridge Mill Way and is predominantly level apart from raised areas in the south west corner and along the western boundary which abuts a 4.5 meter high embankment. The site area is 0.47 acres / 0.19 hectare
Maidstone Borough Council granted planning consent in April 2017 for the development of 13 dwellings. There was also an attached S106 which requires contributions totalling £55,970.11 but does not require any affordable housing provision (planning ref: 2016/506266/FULL). A second minor amendment application was granted in February 2019 to adjust the proposed dwellings and layout (planning ref: 18/505833/FULL). The planning confirms that the development permitted needs to start prior to the original expiry date of 19uth April 2020.
The proposed scheme includes ten 3 bedroom houses and three 2 bedroom houses, which are a mix of terrace, semi-detached and detached houses. The gross internal measurement of the proposed units total 11,802 sq ft (1,096 sq m).
Guide Price - £1,000,000 The site is held in a SPV company and unconditional offers are invited to purchase this company with this site as its only asset. Please provide details of funding and board approval if required. Please note that the vendor has requested that we receive our fee of 2% + VAT from the purchaser and therefore this should be allowed for in your offer
Services We understand that all mains services are available on site but purchasers should make their own enquiries as to whether they are sufficient. We understand that a spring is located on the site that needs to be diverted a part of the development.
VAT We understand that the property is not elected for VAT