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Mauldeth House, Mauldeth Road West, Chorlton Cum Hardy, Manchester, M21 7RL
52,939 Sq Ft / Land
Withdrawn - Last updated: 05 October 2020
Prime conversion opportunity within the popular south Manchester neighbourhood of Chorlton
Mauldeth House is situated within Chorlton - cum - Hardy which has established itself as one of the most desirable neighbourhoods in South Manchester. The location attracts young professionals and families alike given its proximity to Manchester City Centre and abundance of
quality open space, amenity and public transport links.
The property overlooks Chorlton Park to the south west and neighbours Chorlton High School to the north west. Barlow Moor Road tram stop is 300m from the property offering a direct service to the City Centre and Manchester Airport.
Barlow Moor Road is just 5-10 minute walk from the site and provides an abundance of amenity including bars, restaurants, coffee shops, banks and supermarkets. The independent nature of many of these amenities make for the quirky environment for which Chorlton is well
The property comprises a vacant seven storey 1960s office building of concrete frame construction on a c 1.04 acres (0.42 hectares) site.The rectangular layout of Mauldeth House allows for an efficient reconfiguration to accommodate residential or hotel use. At ground floor the outrigger could accommodate an attractive reception area or additional accommodation. Existing layouts are available via the dataroom.
The site previously benefitted from permission for a change of use from offices (Class B1) to 72no. residential units (Class C3) and associated car parking and landscaping (Application reference: 113906/P3OPA/2016). Mauldeth House is now situated within an area governed by an Article 4 direction.A separate application (Application reference: 116405/FO/2017) for corresponding elevation alterations together with associated waste storage, landscaping and boundary treatment was granted permission on 28th September 2017. The amendment of the external elevations has therefore been established although any change of use of the building would require full planning constent and interested parties are advised to make their own investigations with Manchester City Council. Details regarding the historic applications can be found within the datasite.
VAT will be payable on the sale price.
Legal Costs
Each party will be responsible for their own legal costs associated with this transaction.
For further information or to arrange a viewing, please contact George Oakey.
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