Savills are inviting offers from interested parties for plots allocated for a local centre and retail at the forthcoming residential led development ‘Handley Chase’
Savills present the opportunity to acquire 3 acres (1.21 ha) for a local centre adjacent to existing residential dwellings and to be delivered as part of a large residential led development known as Handley Chase, which will establish a new community of up to 1,450 homes to the south of Quarrington, Sleaford.
The new development to include the local centre, care home and residential housing constitutes 60 hectares (148 acres)
A synopsis of the outline planning permission is as follows:
- 1,450 dwellings
- Two form entry primary school
- Care home
- Local centre
- Public open space
- Sports pitches
- Allotments
- Associated infrastructure
The development will be executed in phases. Sleaford Property Developments Limited have already entered into a joint venture with T.Balfe Construction Ltd to develop the first phase of dwellings accessed via Stump Cross Hill / London Road.
Savills has also launched the first key phases of serviced land parcels for residential development.
The Site is situated to the east of Stump Cross Hill to the south of Quarrington. Stump Cross Hill is the central road running through Quarrington providing access north to Sleaford Town Centre (approximately 1 mile), south to the A15 (approximately 2 miles) and west of the A17 (approximately 3 miles). The Site forms part of the larger Handley Chase residential development which will provide a natural extension to the existing residential settlement to the north.
The suggested Local Centre has road frontage and is situated adjacent to the existing residential housing and the new housing development.
It’s accessible situation within the new development will generate footfall from the existing community and from occupants from the new residential development, as well as passing traffic.
The illustrative local centre identified in the site map is designed to comprise the following uses and approximate areas:
Public House - 700 sq m (7,535 sq ft)
Health Centre (Doctor/ Dentist) - 450 sq m (4,844 sq ft)
Community Centre - 450 sq m (4,844 sq ft)
Retail (4 units) - 100 sq m (1,076 sq ft)
Retail Subtotal - 400 sq m (4,306 sq ft)
Offices at first floor level (above retail) - 400 sq m (4,306 sq ft)
Retail food store - 440 sq m (4,736 sq ft)
Nursery - 450 sq m (4,844 sq ft)
Area - 3 Acres (1.21 Ha)
- Serviced Plot Available
- Freehold with Vacant Possession
Sellers’ Works - The Seller will undertake to provide plots with services to the boundary and access via the estate roads, within a pre-agreed timeframe.
The Sellers’ Works specification is available on the Handley Chase datasite.
Services - We understand that mains water, electricity and drainage are available in the vicinity. Prospective purchasers should satisfy their own enquiries to the relevant Authority as to the suitability, capacity, connectivity and exact location of services.
Method of Sale - Offers are invited by way of Informal Tender, at XXXm on Friday 8 September 2017.
Offers are invited on a conditional or unconditional basis, with a preference for unconditional offers.
The offer requirements are as follows:
- Level of offer clearly stated
- Any conditions relating to the offer
- Solicitor’s details
- Timescales for exchanging and completion
- Evidence of funding
- Track Record
VAT - The position regarding VAT is reserved at all times and interested parties are advised to seek independent advice in relation to this matter.
Legal Costs - Each party are to bear their own legal costs in connection with this transaction.