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Hotel, Leisure, Residential, Development, Brewery House , 1 Lady Bank, Tamworth, B79 7NB

8,402 Sq Ft / Leisure / Hotel

For Sale - £500,000.00

Available - Last updated: 07 March 2025

The property comprises a vacant detached two-storey Grade II Listed building totalling approx. 8,402 sq. ft. G.I.A. with large front lawn overlooking Tamworth Castle. 

The property is approached via a raised pedestrian gate off Lady Bank and Balfour to the rear. The property is accessed internally via communal front door entrance however there is also a disused side entrance off Balfour that could be reinstated.

The property dates from the 18th Century and is of traditional red brick construction surmounted by a part pitched tiled and part flat roof. Windows are timber framed, and rainwater goods are a mix of cast iron and plastic.

The property was previously used to supplement accommodation at The Castle Hotel, and more recently as social housing.

Planning consent was obtained in 2023 for internal reconfiguration to create 24 no. self-contained 1-bedroom flats with car parking (Use Class C1).


The property is located off Holloway and Lady Bank in close proximity to Tamworth Town Centre. Tamworth is a historic market town and borough in Staffordshire approx. 17 miles north east of Birmingham and 30 miles west of Leicester.

The property is situated opposite historic Tamworth Castle, adjacent to the River Anker, and a short walk from Tamworth Town Centre, Ankerside Shopping Centre, Tamworth Castle Pleasure Grounds, Ventura Retail Park, Snow Dome, and various other retail and leisure destinations.

Tamworth Train Station is an approx. 10 minute walk from the property and provides regular services to London Euston, Birmingham New Street, Nottingham, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Crewe and Plymouth. There are various bus routes within close proximity to the property providing regular services throughout Tamworth and wider region.

Tamworth is a popular tourist destination attracting thousands of visitors every year to Tamworth Castle, Tamworth Castle Grounds, Tamworth Town Hall, Tamworth Assembly Rooms, and St. Editha’s Church.

Tamworth has a rich history dating back to Anglo-Saxon times and was the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Mercia and the King’s main residence. Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians and daughter of King Alfed the Great, and her son Athelstan the first King of all England, both originate from Tamworth and attract a significant number of tourists every year to Tamworth Castle and the wider Staffordshire area.


The property provides the following approximate gross internal floor areas:

Basement – Cellar and stores – 71.10 sq m (765 sq ft)

Ground Floor – 10 ensuite bedrooms – 390.41 sq m (4,202 sq ft)

First Floor – 9 ensuite bedrooms – 319.13 sq m (3,435 sq ft)

TOTAL – 780.64 sq m (8,402 sq ft)


TITLE - Freehold (Title mo. SF232561).

Copies of the title documents are included within the Marketing Pack.

PLANNING - We understand the property has planning consent for its existing use.

Planning consent was obtained in 2023 for internal reconfiguration to create 24 no. 1 bedroom flats with car parking (Use Class C1).  Further detail is provided below.

0191/2023 – Change of use from a drinking establishment (Sui Generis) to residential (C3 class).  Conversion of the ground floor into two apartments.  Application Granted

0174/2023 – Change of use of a grade II listed building from a drinking establishment (Sui Generis) to residential (C3 class).  Conversion of the ground floor into two apartments. Application Granted

The permitted scheme appears to have been subsequently reconfigured by the applicant to provide 16 no. larger 1 and 2 bedroom apartments.

Additional planning information and relevant filed planning documents are included within the Marketing Pack.

Interested parties are to rely on their own enquiries with Tamworth Borough Council.

ASSET MANAGEMENT POTENTIAL – The property lends itself to use as a hotel, guest house/ B&B or serviced apartment business given its town centre location within a popular tourist destination.

The property also offers change of use potential to residential (Use Class C3) S.T.P.

EPC - A copy of the EPC is included within the Marketing Pack.

OFFERS - Offers in the order of £500,000 invited for the freehold interest.

VAT - Prices are quoted exclusive of VAT.

COSTS - Each party to be responsible for their own professional costs incurred in  the transaction.

SERVICES - We understand all mains services are connected but none have been tested.    

Interested parties are to rely on their own enquiries. 


  • Full planning permission for 24 self-contained flats with car parking (use Class C1)
  • Attractive hotel, guest house / B&B, or serviced apartment business opportunity within popular tourist destination
  • Located opposite historic Tamworth Castle and adjacent to the River Anker
  • Situated a short walk from Tamworth Town Centre, Anderside Shopping Centre, Tamworth Castle pleasure grounds, Snowdome and Ventura Retail Park
  • Potential for change of use to residential (use Class C3) S.T.P.
  • Offers invited in the order of £500,000

Property Quote Price(s)

DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
Offers in the order of For Sale Freehold £500,000.00 NA

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Toby O'Sullivan

Watling Real Estate

0121 369 0082

Ben Holyhead

Watling Real Estate

0121 369 0093

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