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Green Lanes, Palmers Green, N13 5XG

630 Sq Ft / Leisure

To Let - £29,000.00 per annum

Available - Last updated: 14 February 2025

Take-away/restaurant with residential accommodation comprising a long established take-away fish and chip restaurant that has been in the same hands for over 30 years. The premises includes a residential flat which is self-contained and arranged over two upper floors which is currently sub-let and producing £19,200 pa. The business has a good regular repeat trade and good turnover despite the limited opening hours. The turnover could be boosted further with additional opening hours and refurbishment throughout. The business does not currently offer any delivery service and with it the turnover could be boosted enormously. The rent is highly subsidised by the residential rental income. We recommend inspecting as soon as possible.

Property Quote Price(s)

DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
Green Lanes To Let £29,000.00 per annum

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Adrian Cole

Claridges Commercial

020 3369 2520

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