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Former public convenience, 3 Royal Terrace Gardens, London Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5DX

103 to 328 Sq Mt / Other

Withdrawn - Last updated: 27 February 2017

*Closing date - 12 noon, Wednesday 10 August 2016*

The property is located in the north eastern corner of Royal Terrace Gardens, adjacent to the Easter Road junction with London Road. There are traditional tenements directly to the north and east with Royal Terrace Gardens to the west and south. Additional uses nearby include Abbeymount Techbase, local retail units and a church. The property faces onto London Road, a principal arterial route into Edinburgh City Centre.

The property sits in an elevated position accessed by two flights of stairs from pavement level. The building dates from around 1960 and consists of a single storey, detached building of stone block construction with a (gross internal area) floor area of approximately 103 sq m (1,181 sq ft).  The roof is pitched with slate covering, windows are metal frame units with wired privacy glass and protective metal grills. Heating and hot water is provided by electric storage heaters. There is a small sloping garden area to the front of the property behind a retaining wall on the north most boundary. Metal railings mark the extent of the site which extends to approximately 328 sq m ( 3,536 sq ft).

The property lies within the urban area, identified as designated open space in the Edinburgh City Local Plan. It also lies within the New Town Conservation Area and the boundary of the World Heritage Site. There is the opportunity to improve the visual impact of the existing building or to replace this with a  more appropriate design of a similar scale for a potential commercial use. The location, on a main arterial route, does not lend itself favourably for residential use.  Copies of local plans and guidelines can be viewed on the Council website using the following link: http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/info/20069/local_plans_and_guidelines

There is no vehicular access or parking available at the property. There is a public path way to the North of the property. Pedestrian access is from London Road.

EPC rating of G.

Rateable Value
NAV/RV: £7,000 (Public Convenience)

The property will be sold by way of disposition and associated Deed of Conditions containing such reservations, burdens and conditions as the Head of Legal and Risk and Compliance may consider necessary to protect the Council’s interest. These may include reservations regarding minerals, services etc and provisions regarding maintenance, insurance, uses, etc.

In addition to the sale price, the purchaser will be expected to pay the Council’s reasonably incurred legal costs, plus Corporate Property costs of 2.5% of the purchase price. (Corporate Property Costs are, subject to a minimum of £1,000 plus VAT).

Method of Sale
The subject is offered for the heritable interest of the property with the benefit of vacant possession.

Offers are invited for the heritable interest, with the benefit of vacant possession. Offers must be submitted by the closing date (once set). In order for the Council to assess and evaluate offers, bids must include:

• Proposed price

• Expected date for the Council to receive the purchase price

• Any conditions of purchase along with dates for purification

• Confirmation of funding for purchase and development costs

• Details of development proposals including indicative layout drawings

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